The images and articles throughout this site are owned by Paul Coleman (site manager), or members of the Three Counties Tortoise Society
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The Three Counties Tortoises Society
Note: This Society is not part of The British Chelonia Group, and wishes to make this plain, in the light of serious concerns we have about the state of the BCG funded CARAPAX terrapin centre in Italy Click here for details:

This Society always will, and always has stood for putting real conservation funding in the hands of responsible and accounatble NGOs.



AIMS of the Three County Tortoise Society: Free Membership details here
1) To provide chelonia keepers with the support needed to  ensure that their captive animals receive quality husbandry.
2) To raise funds from the public, to finance chelonia rescue, research and conservation projects worldwide.
3) To discourage the importation and purchase of wild caught specimens, in favour of responsible captive breeding.